Tuesday 1 December 2009

they disgust me.

Stress doesn't kill, it only tortures you until you decide to kill yourself.

I'm not camwhorish; I don't upload 10 identical photos of myself to scare people off, I don't snap 10 identical photos of myself and my boyfriend just to show off, I don't make cute faces into the camera coz it'd be homicidal to viewers, I don't snap pictures every single time i go shopping because I actually do DO shop instead of showing off 10 identical pictures of myself in the same outfit.

That's what bimbos do; they lack the depth of intelligence to express themselves through words, hence the convenient usage of the over-rated idiom, "a picture speaks a thousand (identical and meaningless) words.

I'm not against those who act like bimbos; I know some are real intelligent on the inside (for e.g. the 'Bimbo' that went to Oxford *you know who you are*) - what can I say, I have my own bimbotic moments. I'm just disgusted at some real idiots who only have beauty but no brains (if you think you're one of them, you probably are), but still try to justify themselves by disgusting others.

Sue me.


Happy Birthday, Yong Xing.

much love,



Jasryn said...


Happyness Talks said...

*waves back*

Aimy said...


Happyness Talks said...

uhh...whats with that frown?

Anonymous said...

It is certainly interesting for me to read this post. Thanks the author for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.

Avril Simpson