Monday, 5 July 2010

off my Facebook.

happy coz i spent only $160 for two pairs of Levi's instead of original $260 + had a free complimentary iced lemon tea from Deli France coz they took so long to serve my food + i made my ugly pendrive pretty and it glows in the dark too *omg* + just had my daily dose of after-work window shopping + my Altec Lansing Backbeat 906 wireless earphones are arriving tomorrow *omgomgomg*!!!!!! =)
-Rae's current FB status-

There you go. A snippet of my life.  

P.S.: After work, instead of going home, I usually take the bus to the nearest shopping mall. It helps me de-stress.


zv said...

i'll see how you spend $100 each day.. =D

Happyness Talks said...

thanks ah...