Saturday, 20 June 2009

Parit Buntar Steam Bath / GENTING TRIP!!!

No man needs a vacation so much as the person who just had one.
-Elbert Hubbard-

Sorry for the late update. Was kinda busy lately -- I JUST CAME BACK FROM A TRIP TO GENTING!!!! WHEE~~~

Genting pics coming up soon but first, here's about my little church trip to a steam bath located at a tiny village in Parit Buntar.

Woke up at 6 a.m. in the morning - yes, I know it's inhumane; what to do, my parents forced me up - and then had breakfast at some random coffee shop (apparently, it's famous for its chai koay - literally translated, vegetable cakes - but personally I don't think they're that good) somewhere in the mainland.

Arrived at Parit Buntar's steam bath at about 8 in the morning. Kids were playing around, swinging on the hammocks.

Looks like they're having lots of fun. Ahh... kids...

Then, the steam bath was ready, and most of them went in to sweat. I decided not to go, because you'll have to take a bath after that, and I noticed that the bathrooms were AWFULLY, AWFULLY STINKY AND DIRTY, and I didn't fancy taking a bath in such a condition. Besides, there wasn't a water heater. I DON'T WANT TO FREEZE TO DEATH.
Here's the dirty, smelly, stinky, icky bathroom...

Who on earth takes a bath without a water heater????? This is crazy.

Here are the 3 steam baths (2 for males, 1 for females):

It cost only RM 5 per person.

Many of them went anyway, while I relaxed in one of the hamocks, and almost dozed off.

About noon time, I went for a Thai massage, which lasted for an hour.

Here's the massaging shack:

Beautiful shack, isn't it?

It was actually pretty relaxing (though a little painful) and I'd recommend it to anyone interested.

Next, lunch!!!

I especially loved the salad, but I forgot to take a picture of it, because I was too busy eating it up.

Then, the kids went for a little fishing, and I joined in too.

My cute little cousin trying to catch some fish.

The fish they caught.

Everyone relaxing and enjoying themselves:

Last but not least, me, relaxing...




Enjoyed myself TO DA MAX!!!

Thanks to all Grassies for this beautiful and memorable trip!

The day before going to Genting, Uncle Cheng came to my house and we played PSP the whole day... wakakaka...

Then he took a bo liao picture of my mirror (unfortunately, I was caught in the picture in a relatively ugly pose):

Next morning, we met up with Chee Seng at the bus terminal, and hence began our long and uncomfortable journey to Genting.

Arrived at about 2 p.m., and met up with the rest: Kevin, Zhi Vern, Wan Theng, and Jia Yi (Jia Yi, if you are reading this, KANASAI LAH YOU LAST MINUTE ONLY SHOW UP!! LOL) We waited SIBEH LONG at the First World Hotel's reception area coz got too many people...

So we started to bo liao and take bo liao pics at the hotel lobby.

The 2 guys playing PSP... The PSP on the left belongs to me, btw.
Haha, play until so syok...


Walao waited at lobby for 2 freakin' hours...

That night, we went out for a walk at First World Plaza.

The next day, we went to the OUTDOOR THEME PARK!!

Us on the spinner.

I got somewhat hungry and had sweet potatos which cost some FREAKING TWELVE EFFING RINGGIT.

Me, enjoying my potatos to the MAX, because they were too expensive to be eaten in a bad mood.

Shying away from the camera.

Group pic!

That night, Grassies threw me, Uncle Cheng, and Zhi Vern a surprise birthday!!!

I was sooooooo happy!! Thanks, everyone!! I didn't expect you guys to remember my birthday!

The 3 birthday kids. From left: Age 19, 23, and 21.

Ahh!! Cut the cake!!! Uncle Cheng, your face looks damn retarded >.<

Here's Uncle Cheng's birthday present from me and Kevin:
G-string!! Hehehehe... Cute present for a guy. Please line up, guys.

My handmade birthday card!! Everyone had a chance to write something for me. So happy!!! ^^
Italic Thanks everybody!

Whoops... The card is rotated the wrong way.

Here's Wan Theng's birthday present for me. It came with a lollipop, but I ate it. >.<

We went out for a stroll that night...

Loved the cool air...

The 4 gals~

We were star-gazing...

Kinda romantic.

We took like over 200+ photos; will be uploaded onto Facebook soon.


UPDATE: My birthday card was handmade by Jia Yi, Yurong, Wai Hon, and Pui Mun. Special thanks to these 4 creative people (they're so special that I just had to colorize their names ^^), and many thanks to everyone else who wrote on my card!! ^^


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


iam not from Malaysia and living now in barit buntar...i looked through internet for massage thi near my place and i found your blog...could you tell me where is that place ....
i will be happy if you send it to my email:

thank you
